Working in Partnership South Holderness

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The GDF Working Group wants to hear your opinions

We are actively encouraging as many people as possible to take part in conversations. We want to make sure everybody’s voice is heard and will do so by opening up methods of communication that are accessible to everyone within the community – regardless of age or disability.

The Working Group needs your thoughts and opinions so they can generate a collaborative vision with local needs as a priority. Your help is needed to understand how we can improve transport, amenities like hospitals and community facilities too.

Join the conversation

The Working Group holds regular local events in public places. You can talk to us in person, contact us via phone, email, or through our website.

Invite us

If you would like us to attend your meeting or event to discuss and answer questions about the GDF siting process, please contact us.

Follow us on social media

We share the latest information and updates on our social media channels – follow us on Facebook.